Tuesday 18 October 2011


In a village there lived a beautiful woman and her son named Bondowoso. They live in peace, until at some point when they're busy chatting. Bondowoso ask a thing to his beloved mother
Bandung         : Mom, actually, who my father? Until now I still do not know.

Mothers are confused about what must she answer, his eyes shifted far to the rice fields in front of his house.

Bandung         : Mom, why silent? What’s up?
Mother            : My son Bandung (he says, closer to his seat). Actually this is the right time. You now have adult, do not fear to tell you. You know, you can surely understand this.
Bandung         : What is it, Mom?
Mom                : Your father was actually there nobility in distant places.
Bandung         : So my father's mother was still alive?
Mom                : if you really want to meet your father, that's okay. Find your father, but mother could only message. Listen to the messages of this mother.
Mother            : My mother can only pray. If you've found your father, immediately kissed his feet as a mark of respect. You are a knight, did according as a knight. Confront all issues confronting us with a cool head. Do not like to fight, it's not good my son. Do not indiscriminate act there, is not to maintain your own safety.
Bandung         : yes, ma'am.
Mother            : and one more my massage (then entered the house and takes a shawl). Show this object on your father, for he believed that you were his child.
Bandung         : Thank you, Mom. Are you alright if I go? (As he lifted his hand signs equating vastness of this earth).
Mother            : My mother will not be anything. My mother could only pray for you, my dear boy survived.

Then Bandung went wandering. She walked through valleys, forests, rivers and mountains. On the way, he managed to conquered supernatural beings and is now the slaves.
After long wandering, he reached the kingdom Pengging and became king there. Want to expand the territory, Bandung Bondowoso want to unite Kingdom Pengging and Prambanan.
Prambanan Kingdom led by a giant named King Boko. Hearing the empire wants seized by another ruler, King Boko not stay silent. He prepared and equipped army to fight the royal Pengging food.
Then they fight a large scale in the Kingdom Pengging.
But in the war King Boko was punctured by a keris owned Bondowoso. Knowing King Boko killed on the battlefield, Patih Gupala back to the Kingdom of Prambanan and reported the incident to the Roro Jongrang.

Patih Gupala   : sorry lady.
Jonggrang        : What Patih. Why do you come home from war, where my father?
Patih Gupala   : (bowed their heads and worship) sorry Roro. (Thinking) King Boko ...
Jonggrang        : There where my father? (Confused and almost cry). Story with me Patih .. Where my father?
Patih Gupala   : Prabu Boko dies in battle, Roro.
Jonggrang        : Is it true that you say it. What you do not lie Patih?
King Gupala    : Serious Rara. I see it for you, Bondowoso thrust his keris.
Jonggrang        : father ... (crying)

Bandung see Rara who was crying and walked over
Bandung         : (walking toward Roro). Why are you sad pretty girl?
Jonggrang        : Who are you, dare to come in this kingdom?
Bandung         : Hahaha ... Who am I? What you do not recognize me, king of the Kingdom of Pengging, and now have this huge empire (with open his hand with pride, then lowered it again and walked around Jonggrang).I am Bondowoso, that I have this kingdom. Hahaha ..
You’re gorgeous
Do you want to be my wife!
Jonggrang        : (pause)
Bandung         : Just acept... .. I'm not so bad. I am handsome. Why do not you want? Are you embarrassed by me? Hem? (With teased)
Jonggrang kept thinking.
Jonggrang        : this way, if you really want to have me, just fulfill my little conditions. Make me a thousand temples in one night. If you succeed, I want to be your wife.
London           : Well, you were kidding! Thousand temples in one night? 10 temples only, do  you want to ask the other requirements. It's up to you.. It’s impossible to make 1000 temples. for what the temples.
Jonggrang        : I still want to be made a thousand temples. It is my will. Prove it if you love me Bandung ..
Bandung         : Enough. Ask how much?
Jonggrang        : I want a thousand temples! (almost wants to go)
Bandung         : Fine .. yes .. Don’t already so angry! To prove my love for you, I'll make a thousand a special temple to my love. (He said while holding a sign promising chest)

Finally, on second thought, would Bondowoso told the genie that has been
conquered to help him. When the appointed night, bandung Bondowoso and architect of its flagship create a framework form temple, then genies begins to build a temple with a variety of carving the advice of architects earlier. Meanwhile, elsewhere Jonggrang confused.
Jonggrang bustle around in his room.

Then Jonggrang find ideas. Jonggrang sent Prambanan dweller to pound rice straw and burn like what he had planned.
genies also ran and left his job.
Soon Bondowoso come with shock. The night was so crowded, the sun was rising, the cock crowed, the women have started to pound rice and all genies were to disappear. Seeing the situation Bandung was very angry.
Bandung         : Jonggrang, my request has been fulfilled, now Marry me!!
Jonggrang        : Really? Have you managed to make me a thousand temples?
Bandung         : Of course my love,
Jonggrang        : I do not believe.
Bandung         : See. This. 1000 temples. Poisson
Jonggrang        : I ask a real temple. Temple is great. Not the temple like this. Do not you ever go to school? Ha? Let's see. It also does not even 1000. Just count. This is only 900.
Bandung         : What? You must be mistaken calculate it. Try count anymore. Temple is not anything like that right? The important is. this is a temple.
Jonggrang        : No, Bandung. The deal is not like that right! You've failed to fulfill your promise. So you go away. Do not approach me again. Or I'll go.
Bandung         : Ha? After I made 999 shrines, only this is your answer Jonggrang?
Jonggrang        : Yeah. Then you want anything else!! (Snap) Admit it if you're already defeated the ugly! Damn you Bandung be a sissy!

- Then. Cliiing ... Bandung turned into a transvestite. And she was crying. Jonggrang are satisfied because it has managed to avenge his father. Jonggrang even live happily ever after with the Prambanan.


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